Tuesday 20 January 2009

A beginner’s Guide to Wealth Creation [2/2]

A beginner’s Guide to Wealth Creation, How to invest and keep your money
Source: The Voice

What has the response been like to your book so far?

We've had people saying that they wish they had got this book sooner. There are so many books of this kind in the market, I'm sure you are aware, but they are filled with a lot of jargon, but our book talks directly to the reader in a language that they can understand.

What would your advice be to people who are worried about the economic downturn right now?

In relation to the economic downturn there's a chapter in our book called, The Economic Cycle. Yes there is a credit crunch at the present time and yes there is a looming recession, however this is the best time to buy as prices are falling so you'll get the best possible price. Shares have trebled and properties have tumbled - it's a buyers market. It's not good to sell right now, but if you can afford to invest this is definitely the time to do it.

What are the common mistakes that people make when It comes to money?

People get carried away with money. For example, a lot of people think that money, is free and they run up tabs Without a thought of how they will pay it back and then try and invest in get rich quick schemes. We are not advocating any get rich quick schemes because anything that comes easily can be lost easily. Take time to build your wealth because then you will have the mindset and the skills to retain your wealth. Get rich quick schemes arc: great in. the short term, but within two years that person will find themselves in the red again. For those who are closely monitoring their wealth as they: go along, you find that they have the technical skills, the financial know-how and are able to reinvest the money they have made along the way.

Taiwo and Kehinde Adesina are also authors of A Simple Guide To UK Immigration and Becoming All You Can Be. For more Information contact Miriam Amony on 0845 003 7729.

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